Through Grace We Can Love Anyone Starting With Ourselves
Through Grace We Can Love Anyone Starting With...

GRACE... Now We Can Love Anyone, Starting With Ourselves! "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another, even as I have loved you, that you...

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Have Godfidence
Have Godfidence

Trusting God with Everything is Exercising "Godfidence" Godfidence is knowing our Heavenly Father planned for generations, centuries, and even...

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Be Godfident
Be Godfident

Are You Godfident? "But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he...

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Praying for Your Children
Praying for Your Children

Praying Scriptures for Your Children Look up the following Scriptures, and meditate upon them. Study them and soak on them, and get them into your spirit....

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Are You Weary Going From One Crisis to Another
Are You Weary Going From One Crisis to Another

THEN, BY ALL MEANS, GET SOME GODFIDENCE! Perhaps you are even in a crisis right now, a big crisis. “Crisis” plus “weary” is not good....

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Are You in a Crisis
Are You in a Crisis

In the Midst of a Crisis… Fear or Faith, Faith or Fear? What did Jesus do in the midst of a crisis? The night Jesus was arrested, what was His...

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Are You Godfident and Do You Practice Godfidence
Are You Godfident and Do You Practice Godfidence

Be Godfident, and Practice More Godfidence "No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us." Romans 8:27 Being...

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Those Who Operate with Godfidence
Those Who Operate with Godfidence

What is Godfidence? Godfidence is a state of being, a place of resolve, and the belief that God is absolutely good! Exercising Godfidence is making...

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