Girls With Histrionic Personality Disorder

Here's How We Treat Histrionic Personality Disorder at Clearview Horizon

We can treat your daughter if she’s suffering from Histrionic Personality Disorder, which is characterized by her excessive attention-seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. This disorder can find her displaying risky and inappropriate behavior; constantly seeking reassurance, with heightened sensitivity to criticism, a lack of ability to delay gratification, be easily discouraged, or with rapidly changing emotional states (expressing all feelings with the same intensity of emotion). In general, she may seem uninterested in the usual routine and come across as “fake” in her relationships.

Does she seem unable to handle it when she’s not the center of attention, or is she sometimes very lively and dramatic, showing larger-than-life expressions of emotion? Have you seen her interactions marked by inappropriate sexually seductive or suggestive behavior, maybe even believing relationships to be more intimate than they truly are?

You may find your daughter being calculating, taking steps to remain the focus of attention, even within the family. She may have difficulty focusing on completing assignments and projects and find school boring. Romantic relationships may be hastily begun and then discarded for the exhilaration of new ones. She is also at greater risk of depression and co-morbid disorders (meaning, two or more simultaneous illnesses).

Clearview Horizon – The Ideal Setting to Help Your Daughter with Histrionic Personality Disorder

There is no specific test for diagnosing Histrionics, and no specifically identified origin (though the disorder may be linked to stress or childhood ordeal). Your daughter’s behavior will be used to form the basis of evaluation.

Psychotherapy (specifically cognitive behavior therapy) is most frequently used for Histrionic Personality Disorder; it commonly focuses on the development of suitable boundaries, and self-development to counteract the behaviors that often result in risky conduct. Group therapy is sometimes used, but it’s dangerous in that it provides an audience and a stage on which your girl can seek attention and support for her behavior patterns. Family therapy may have the same downside but may be functional by allowing the entire family to more suitably to respond to her histrionic behaviors and symptoms so as to not encourage further bad conduct.

Approaches will likely not focus on a long-term personality change but, instead, short-term mitigation of difficulties within her life. Few people have the time or cost required to fully “cure” this disorder, and this should be understood to dismiss any thoughts of a “magical” cure.

Helping Histrionic Personality Disorder

Clearview Horizon specializes in dealing with girls aged 13-18 who are exhibiting inappropriate behaviors, falling grades, or influences that may well jeopardize their future. With our interdisciplinary team (psychotherapists, psychiatric specialists, licensed teachers, as well as mentors and residential staff) we are here to help your daughter solve these difficult emotional issues and start on a new and more productive path in her life.

We will construct an individualized treatment plan exclusively for her unique set of medical, emotional, psychological, educational, and spiritual needs. Along with schooling and daily chores, the Clearview program is very personable and relational, but highly structured, emphasizing a nutritionally balanced diet, physical activities, and outdoor events, all designed to teach a healthy lifestyle.

Our therapeutic boarding school is housed in a secure mountainside lodge in near Sandpoint, Idaho, where our techniques (including individual, group, and family therapy) are chosen for girls who need to make better choices as well as develop strong interpersonal and academic skills. Our program is created to help your daughter find the strength to overcome Histrionic Personality Disorder, enabling her to live the rest of her life as a successful and healthy woman.

About the Author:
Craig Rogers
Craig Rogers

Grace Coach

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