
List of Ten Superfoods to Help With Studying

When it comes to study-aids, students go to great lengths to supplement their brainpower. From brain exercises, supplements, and even vigorously exercising, many teens and young adults are desperate in their attempt to increase their mind’s ability. Even so, there is one way many students fail to even consider when attempting to max out their brain’s ‘CPU’: eating superfoods.

That’s right, experts say there is no better way to improve mental alertness and achieve better grades than eating foods that are scientifically proven to fuel the brain. Below is a list of foods that experts say help with focus, retaining information, and staying mentally alert.

1. Fish

In addition to being a great source of lean protein, fish contain high concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acids.

How do Omega-3 fatty acids help with studying?

Since the brain is mainly made up of fatty tissue, eating high concentrated fats like Omega-3’s is essential for keeping proper neural function. Eating fish helps us focus and study for longer periods of time. According to reports conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, eating fish can also reduce a person’s risk of developing neurological diseases such as dementia.

2. Nuts

Similar to fish, many types of nuts such as walnuts, pistachios, and almonds have a concentration level of fatty acids, and therefore, help our brains function optimally. Nuts like these also contain high levels of iron and, as an added bonus, are shown to help provide oxygen to the brain - increasing our ability to learn, improves mental focus, and keeps our body energized. For best results, nutritionists recommend eating a minimum of one ounce of nuts per day.

Nuts are also high in unsaturated fats and calories that provide the body with much-needed energy for those late nights and early mornings of studying.

3. Whole Grains

Unlike most kinds of bread and pasta, foods that contain whole grains are good for days of long studying. Whereas simple carbs like white bread and pasta can cause sleepiness, mental fatigue, and expand our waistband, whole grains have the opposite effect. Whole grains are scientifically proven to enhance memory function and can provide quick energy boosts for those trying to improve their grades.

4. Apples

Apples have long been known to improve the health of those who consume them, even inspiring an overused, health adage - an apple a day keeps the doctor away - in the process. However, science now proves that apples can also be essential for those who want to improve their study habits. The peel of an apple contains quercetin - a powerful antioxidant that is proven to enhance memory function.

5. Cruciferous Vegetables

Cruciferous vegetables are a fancy term that veggies like Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, and broccoli. Harvard Medical School recently conducted a study that revealed cruciferous veggies had the most positive effect on memory attention out of veggies. For best results, experts say eating these veggies raw is the most efficient way to digest and achieve the most optimal nutritional benefit. According to the study, cooking these kinds of vegetables rids them of their nutritional value.    

6. Dark Chocolate

Chocolates might not sound like the most nutritional or studying-enhancing foods to eat. This notion is mostly true, with exception of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is the one type of cocoa that feeds the brain, increasing blood flow to the brain, improving memory, and increasing one’s alertness and clarity in the process. According to experts, the darker the chocolate the better.

7. Spinach

Spinach is one of the most powerful superfoods one could eat to help improve their study habits. Spinach is highly rich in folic acids, which, in addition to boosting brainpower, is also shown to reverse memory loss. Students who don’t like the taste of spinach can easily mask the taste by including it in a healthy fruit smoothie.

8. Berries

Colorful berries, aka blackberries, gooseberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, and blueberries, are proven to have a significant effect on one’s brain function. Colorful berries are rich in antioxidants that rid the body of energy and memory zapping toxins. Also, colorful berries contain something called phytonutrients that experts say improve blood flow to the brain and enhance neural activity. Nutritionists recommend eating a handful of these berries before studying for the best results.

9. Legumes

Legumes are what nutritionists often refer to as “magic beans,” These magic beans include chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils. In addition to being high in essential, fatty acids, legumes are also high in protein, which provides energy and mental power to the brain. These types of beans are also high in folic acid which helps improve the brain’s ability to retain and recall information.

Think eating beans can’t possibly lead to better grades? Think again. “Magic” beans such as chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils contain substantial amounts of protein which power the brain and make studying a breeze. In addition, legumes of all varieties contain high concentrations of folic acid which improves your ability to recall information.

10. Onions

Onions, which have historically been revered in Eastern culture for their ability to enhance memory, focus, and other brain functions, are a superfood that many might overlook when looking for foods to help them with their studies. Those who want to improve their grade point average, however, would be wise to include onions, red onions in particular, in their eating regimen. Red onions contain study-enhancing nutrients like anthocyanin and quercetin which are scientifically proven to not only increase memory function but also have been shown to prevent neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Ditch Expensive Supplements and Switch to These Top 10 Foods!

High school and college students are prone to using expensive and even dangerous supplements and drugs in order to boost their studying abilities. To avoid high prices and adverse health side-effects, nutritionists and neurological experts recommend including the above ten foods into their diet.