
Christian Counselors for Troubled Girls From the Calexico, CA Area 

Christian Counselors for Troubled Girls Calexico California CA

Christian counselors of today are much more psychologically friendly than those of the past. Today's Christian counselors have the same certification as their secular counterparts -- the only difference being their fundamental belief that Jesus dramatically helps in the therapeutic process. Combining contemporary psychotherapy with faith in Christ is a dynamic treatment that is sometimes called "integration."  

The integration of psychotherapeutic and theological beliefs is ostensibly new to many parents from the Calexico, CA. However, the integration of Christ and academic discussions have a long history in many of today's top universities, such as Notre Dame, Baylor, Pepperdine, and Boston College -- to name a few. 

Christianity has been merged with psychotherapy previously by focusing on how psychology and the Bible are complementary to one another while simultaneously leaving out the secularity of psychology that doesn't jive with the teachings of Christ. 

While some parents from the Calexico, CA area believe the secularity of psychology has no place in the church, many notable efforts, statistics, and church leaders disagree. 

Two prominent proponents of the integration of biblical teachings and contemporary psychotherapy are Stanton Jones and Richard Buteman. They theorized there are three ways to integrate psychology and Christian beliefs: pragmatic eclecticism, metatheoretical eclecticism, and academic integration.

While this tactic is still in progress and remains to be looked at, there have been notable efforts to try and integrate the two. For example, Stanton Jones and Richard Buteman came up with three different methods of integrating psychology and the Christian religion. The methods are called practical eclecticism, metatheoretical eclecticism, and academic integration. That said, Jones and Buteman were impartial to using The first system, pragmatic eclecticism, which considers the most effective and balanced solution for determining patients' problems based on previous analysis. 

What Types of Issues Are Christian Counselors in Calexico, CA Known for Treating? 

Common areas of focus include:

  • Relationship Struggles
  • Depression and Anxiety
  • Addiction & Recovery
  • Trauma / Abuse
  • Couples Therapy
  • Parenting
  • Identity Issues
  • Childhood / Adolescence
  • Grief and Loss
  • Disordered Eating
  • Sexual Addiction
  • Spiritual Issues
  • Family Conflict
  • Chronic Illness / Pain
  • Divorce Recovery / Blended Families

The biblical counselor does not ignore physical issues or emotional data but seeks to desegregate them into a holistic knowledge of the physique and change. The biblical counselor is not adversarial in his relationship to the psychologies of his culture but examines research and insights through the lens of Scripture.

In his work with the counselee, the biblical counsel perpetually acknowledges the supremacy of God, the transformative mercy of Christ, and the insight-giving and conviction-producing ministry of the Holy Spirit. In all of this, the biblical therapist is a more significant self not as an isolated tool of change but One whose obligation is lovingly connected to God's primary mechanism of change; the church, with all of its God-ordained responsibilities, structures, and means of forgiveness." 

There's Evidence to Show Christian Therapy is More Effective Than Secular Therapy 

Parents from Calexico, CA might be surprised to find out that there have been over 100 metastudies looking into whether Christian Counseling is as effective as secular counseling. The results might surprise you! Below is a retooled blog post that a Christian Counselor made when comparing the efficacy between the two. 

As it turns out, in these studies, Christians who received Christ-centered therapy had better results than atheists who received secular treatment. 

According to one AACC Christian counselor's blog post, religiously accommodated treatments had much greater spiritual effects on the patients than secular therapies. This was powerfully evident for comparisons with no-treatment conditions and alternative-treatment conditions. Also, religiously tailored treatments were even starkly better in increasing patients' spiritual lives than were strictly similar secular treatments (g = .34 at post-test and g = .32 at follow-up).

So, as Christian therapists, we can maintain our heads up, look licensing boards, managed care corporations, and insurance companies in the eyes and say, "Christian-accommodated treatments are just as effective or better than secular treatments in improving patients' symptoms, and they also do something for matched spiritual clients that secular treatments can not—provide better spiritual well-being."

Support for Mental Health for Troubled Youth in Calexico, CA

Families from Calexico, CA have made MasterNet their top choice when it comes to the healing and rehabilitation of their troubled child battling trials related to ADD/ADHD (attentional disorder), alcohol dependence, or peer conflict. Parents can expect MasterNet to have a team of staff consisting of compassionate, licensed counselors and leaders. Our counselors operate with the understanding that rehabilitation must first come from the inside, rather than from external influences. MasterNet is faithful to the proper direction, not only for your troubled child, but your entire family as well.

We are proud to provide inspired support to ensure a lasting rehabilitation. We have the utmost respect for every teen student and family that we work with, and this is something that sets our therapeutic boarding school apart from the rest. MasterNet’s counselors acknowledge and appreciate the issues that adolescent girls from Calexico, CA deal with every day. With decades of collective experience in the therapeutic boarding school industry, MasterNet’s counselors have the ability to quickly assess, identify, and provide direction to teens battling drug abuse/addiction (including marijuana) obstacles, trials related to self-harming behavior, and causes for anger.

In short, the counselors at MasterNet are skilled at assisting troubled adolescent girls from Calexico, CA with lasting rehabilitation. As a top-notch therapeutic boarding school, we offer a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy), outdoor recreation and adventure therapy, and life skills development and experiential education; leading our teen students to a healthy, balanced life. If you feel you may benefit from our therapeutic boarding school, we encourage you to contact our admissions specialists as the first step to creating lasting change in your at-risk child’s life. We provide support to vulnerable teens from Calexico, CA. Call us at (435) 574-4518 to speak with one of our knowledgeable admissions specialists today!

“Let love of the brethren continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body. Marriage is to be held in honor among all, and the marriage bed is to be undefiled; for fornicators and adulterers God will judge. 5Make sure that your character is free from the love of money, being content with what you have; for He Himself has said, “I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you,” so that we confidently say, “The Lord is my helper, I will not be afraid. What will man do to me?” Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. 8Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:1-8