
What are Group Homes for Troubled Girls from Castle Pines, CO? 

Group Homes for Troubled Girls Castle Pines Colorado CO

Group homes are unique, relatively small residential treatment facilities designed to simulate a home-like experience to troubled teens (including girls from Castle Pines, CO. The simulated home environment of group homes is to help troubled teens better adjust to their life back home. Consequently, group homes for struggling adolescent females from Castle Pines, CO are often combined with other residential treatment centers as a final preliminary step for teens to complete before they return home. 

To resemble a home-like experience, group homes for troubled teens are comparably tiny in scale. Whereas conventional RTC’s and therapeutic boarding schools are often large facilities that house up to hundreds of pupils, group homes generally only hold up to 1-10 teens at any given time. 

Group homes for trouble girls from Castle Pines, CO, like any respectable residential treatment program, employ psychiatric and behavioral experts. Depending on the program, group homes sometimes also hire teachers, chefs, and substance abuse advocates. 

Group homes for teenagers provide opportunities for struggling girls from the city of Castle Pines, CO to get their lives going forward on the right track. There are various causes as to why a struggling teen may need the services of a group home. Commonly, these house-like residential programs therapize behaviors and mental health-related problems that represent troubled teenage behaviors.  

Group Homes for Troubled Youth Teach Living Skills

Most group homes give living skill development services, fundamental living skills (the necessary skills one needs to live an autonomous and prosperous lifestyle.) 

By the time a teenage girl from Castle Pines, CO graduates from a group home, they will be an expert in living responsibly and appropriately in a familial home. What’s more, if the teen is older, they may be given supplementary life skills training to live a fully functioning, independent lifestyle, without the assistance or dependence of others. 

To achieve this, a group home for troubled youth needs to give teens from Castle Pines, CO training in developing self-supporting living skills such as vocational training, technical skills, financial skills, and even college preliminary classes. 

Common issues among group homes include:

  • Lack of health insurance coverage - while non-behavioral modifying group homes (such as those that treat those who have mental or physical deficits) commonly accept insurance-provided coverage, most group homes that treat troubled youth do not.
  • Exclusivity - Due to their inherently small size, group homes are more exclusive than other types of treatment programs and therefore, are expensive.
  • A long wait for treatment - Due to their small size, most group homes have a lengthy waiting list.
  • Most home-setting programs do not treat behavioral issues in teens - The vast majority of group homes are not designed to treat teens' behavioral, psychological, or emotional problems. Instead, most of these facilities cater to mentally or physically disabled people who cannot otherwise live on their own.

What Kind of Therapies do Group Homes For Girls in Castle Pines, CO Provide?

As with any reputable residential program for troubled girls, top-tier group homes in Castle Pines, CO provide struggling young women with personalized psychiatric and behavioral therapy programs specifically designed for them, individually.

Affordable Clinical Help for Girls in Crisis

Fortunately for parents who, after researching group homes, if you feel as though it is not the most optimal treatment for their child, consider contacting us. We represent parents looking for reputable, proven alternatives with over two decades and thousands of rehabilitated girls to add legitimacy to their stellar record further.

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them
a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” - John 4:14

Mental Health Resources for At-risk Teenage Girls in Castle Pines, CO

Families from Castle Pines, CO, looking for guidance for their at-risk child, trust the help that MasterNet provides for teen girls who may be going through problems related to technology addiction (social media, cell phone), divorce reaction, or depressive disorder. Here at MasterNet, our skilled practitioners have a deep and wise understanding of the issues that at-risk adolescents from Castle Pines, CO are struggling with every day. With dedication and expertise, our team offers help to our troubled clients, so they may recognize and deal with their opiate abuse/addiction or alcohol dependence in a way that is both healthy and productive. We specialize in a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy), that is based on a solid trifecta of trust and respect. Through this approach, we inspire an internally motivated change that lasts a lifetime.

Because working with highly resistant teen girls is challenging, most programs rely on level systems, punishments, and other behavioral techniques to manage the adolescent’s behavior. However, MasterNet recognizes that the personal circumstances of one at-risk child doesn’t always apply to all of our clients. Because of this, MasterNet’s expert practitioners are devoted to the management of each teenage girls requirements; and they do this with professionalism and sympathy. At MasterNet, we involve the entire family (especially the parents) in the teenage girl’s therapy, change, and help. MasterNet has served numerous at-risk adolescents over the years. Our track record has proven to cause life changing results for our clients and their families.

MasterNet has transformed the lives of countless at-risk adolescents over the years, including many from Castle Pines, CO. Our approach has improved the lives of our at-risk clients, and their families. We see that troubled teen girls can grow to be healthy adults with a desire to succeed! MasterNet understands that in order for our at-risk clients to experience real change, the entire family needs to be part of the life skills development and experiential education help that our practitioners provide. Our intake counselors can be reached immediately at (435) 574-4518.

“But a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and came to him and bandaged up his wounds, pouring oil and wine on them; and he put him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn and took care of him. On the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said, ‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I will repay you.' Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers' hands?” And he said, “The one who showed mercy toward him.” Then Jesus said to him, “Go and do the same.” Luke 10: 33-37