
What are Group Homes for Troubled Girls from Maple Valley, WA? 

Group Homes for Troubled Girls Maple Valley Washington WA

Group homes are simulated home-like programs uniquely small in size and the number of teens they treat. Their relatively small size is by design. Unlike more traditional programs like residential treatment centers and therapeutic boarding schools -- both of which generally have sprawling campuses and up to hundreds of students-- group homes are designed to hold a minimal number of residents to create the illusion of a regular household.  

Due to their limited number of teenage girl residents (typically up to five but no more than ten), group homes generally employ an equal ratio of therapeutic and clinical staff members. The ideal ratio between staff and teen residents is commonly believed to be 1-to-1. 

Group homes for teenage girls that serve families from Maple Valley, WA and their proponents stand by this one-to-one ratio and state the programs' relatively small numbers make its treatment more manageable, thus maximizing each teenage resident's therapeutic and behavioral treatment.

Why Today’s Teens From Maple Valley, WA Make Such Bad Decisions

Ever wonder why an increasing number of teenage girls from Maple Valley, WA make such bad decisions? Most teens cannot make effective decisions because a teen's brain has not yet reached full maturity. As a result, they lack the ability to regulate their emotions and control their impulses. When a teen faces mental health concerns, the inability to make wise decisions becomes even more pronounced, often leading them down the destructive path of substance abuse and addiction.

Group Homes for Troubled Youth Teach Living Skills

One of the fundamental services of group homes for troubled youth is teaching basic living skills to live an independent lifestyle. 

One of the essential things a troubled teen can take away from their time in a treatment program is to live a responsible, functioning, and independent lifestyle -- one that is autonomous from their parents and other loved ones. 

To achieve this, a group home for troubled youth needs to provide resources that build technical skills, help with job training, and offer various other forms of support. Unfortunately, this is not always present in a group home. This makes it necessary for any parent from Maple Valley, WA to consider other treatment options for their son or daughter.

Common issues among group homes include:

  • Lack of health insurance coverage - while non-behavioral modifying group homes (such as those that treat those who have mental or physical deficits) commonly accept insurance-provided coverage, most group homes that treat troubled youth do not.
  • Exclusivity - Due to their inherently small size, group homes are more exclusive than other types of treatment programs and therefore, are expensive.
  • A long wait for treatment - Due to their small size, most group homes have a lengthy waiting list.
  • Most home-setting programs do not treat behavioral issues in teens - The vast majority of group homes are not designed to treat teens' behavioral, psychological, or emotional problems. Instead, most of these facilities cater to mentally or physically disabled people who cannot otherwise live on their own.

What Kind of Therapies do Group Homes For Girls in Maple Valley, WA Provide?

As with any reputable residential program for troubled girls, top-tier group homes in Maple Valley, WA provide struggling young women with personalized psychiatric and behavioral therapy programs specifically designed for them, individually.

Affordable Clinical Help for Girls in Crisis

Fortunately for parents who, after researching group homes, if you feel as though it is not the most optimal treatment for their child, consider contacting us. We represent parents looking for reputable, proven alternatives with over two decades and thousands of rehabilitated girls to add legitimacy to their stellar record further.

“But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them
a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” - John 4:14

Help for Parents of Struggling Teenagers from Maple Valley, WA

Families from Maple Valley, WA have made MasterNet their first choice for child transformation and help. Parents, wanting guidance for their child, can expect a team of compassionate, professional counselors and leaders here at MasterNet. MasterNet operates from the understanding that "transformation" must come from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. We are dedicated to the life skills development and experiential education for all teenagers, who may be coping with bullying (or being bullied), food addiction (overeating, binge eating), or child abuse issues, but also the entire family; with the help they need for lasting transformation.

MasterNet’s counselors and field staff discourage judgments and labels, and never allow a diagnosis to interfere with what struggling adolescents have in common with each other - their humanity. We have provided help to numerous families from all over the nation, including those from Maple Valley, WA; Our trained counselors give a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy); helping students toward the path of transformation for adolescents coping with substance use (including marijuana), anxiety, or rebelliousness related issues.

MasterNet has served numerous struggling young students from Maple Valley, WA, and we can give guidance for your child too. Don’t hesitate to contact MasterNet’s consultants for more information regarding enrollment, tuition, and insurance options. For testimonials from current and past MasterNet families, connect with our consultant at (435) 574-4518 today!

“looking only at Jesus, the originator and perfecter of the faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2