
Wilderness Therapy Programs for Troubled Teenage Girls from the Discovery Bay, CA Area

Wilderness Therapy for Troubled Teen Girls Discovery Bay California CA

Wilderness therapy for troubled girls is one of Discovery Bay, CA’s most effective and increasingly popular forms of troubled teen therapy. For parents from Discovery Bay, CA whose teenage daughter is out of control, wilderness therapy is a clinically proven option to consider. 

Wilderness therapy is especially effective in treating what the rest of the troubled teen industry deems as ‘treatment-resistant.’ In other words, wilderness therapy succeeds where other programs fail. 

As to why wilderness therapy is so effective in treating teenage girls from Discovery Bay, CA, it is the unique qualities in its therapeutic process that make it dynamic. For example, wilderness therapy uses the natural environment that removes teens from their negative surroundings comfort zone and grants them the freedom and adventure that a traditional residential treatment program cannot. In the following, we will discuss why parents from Discovery Bay, CA should trust in the scientifically validated treatment. 

Why Is Wilderness Therapy The Best Choice for Parents From Discovery Bay, CA to Consider?

Wilderness therapy is a style of mental health treatment for troubled teens and young adults. Wilderness therapy programs incorporate traditional, group, and experiential therapies in an outdoor environment. According to its proponents, wilderness therapy kinetically engages troubled teens and young adults on “cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. 

Scientific studies also support the effectiveness of wilderness therapy. For example, wilderness Camps Literature Review finds that wilderness therapy programs are more effective than other leading residential treatments for troubled teens at reducing recidivism rates. Other studies (over 70, 26 of which were randomized controlled trials) also support wilderness therapy benefits. 

Other studies, such as the Outdoor Behavioral Health Council’s (OBH) Youth Outcome Questionaire (YOQ), seem to prove the validity of wilderness therapy. 

The OBH’s years’ long study included numerous wilderness therapy programs and over 800 campers who had recently graduated from their programs. After one year of gathering data of randomly chosen participant campers and their families (including those from Discovery Bay, CA), their results yielded optimistic results. 

The OBH’s data showed that over 60 percent of campers said they were very well after transitioning back home, while only 17 percent said they were “struggling.” In addition, 80 percent of ex-campers and their families said that wilderness therapy was useful, while only ten percent said it was not effective, not sure, and partially effective. 

Wilderness Therapy is Clinically Proven to be Effective in Treating Serious Mental Health Issues

There is no more significant threat to our nation's youth (including teenage girls from Discovery Bay, CA) than mental health-related issues in today's America. Recent polls show that one out of five teens lives with depression, anxiety, or a mixture of the two.

These epidemic-like numbers are even more concerning because suicide is currently the third-leading cause of death among teenagers.

Luckily for parents of depressed teenage girls from the Discovery Bay, CA area, wilderness therapy is a research-supported treatment provenly effective in treating depression, anxiety, and stress - more so than more traditional, indoor-based facilities.

As for why outdoor-based treatment programs are better suited to treat mental health-related issues than indoor programs, research says it combines several factors. For example, hiking (an obviously significant part of outdoor-based therapy) is clinically proven to reduce negative thinking patterns and harmful brain activity, known as rumination.

Studies have also shown that when immersed in nature, a teenage girl's brain improve her neuroplasticity, causing them to become increasingly open to receiving therapy.

Navigating the challenging environment of the wilderness also helps form bonds between teens and clinical staff. This organic relational development builds long-lasting trust between teen and their therapist. Developing and building upon the trust between camper and caregiver is crucial in a mentally ill teenage girl's willingness, ability, and overall likelihood of effectively treating their underlying mental health-related issues.

11 So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. 15 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. - Ephesians 4:11–16

Counseling for Parents of At-risk Adolescents from Discovery Bay, CA

MasterNet is the first choice for Discovery Bay, CA parents investigating a superior therapeutic boarding school to offer assistance to their struggling child experiencing pain medication abuse/addiction, poor academics, or sleep disorder related obstacles. Because working with highly resistant teenage girls is challenging, most programs rely on level systems, punishments, and other behavioral techniques to manage a student’s behavior. Here at MasterNet, we recognize that the circumstances of one at-risk child doesn’t always apply to all of our students. Because of this, MasterNet is devoted to the life skills development and experiential education for each teenager, and we do this with professionalism and care.

MasterNet’s therapists and field staff discourage judgments and labels, and never allow a diagnosis to interfere with what struggling girls have in common with each other - their humanity. We have provided support to numerous families from all over the nation, including those from Discovery Bay, CA; Our expert therapists offer a variety of relevant residential treatment strategies (equine, life training, behavioral therapy); helping students toward the path of recovery for adolescent girls wrestling with alcohol abuse/overuse, self-harming behavior, or narcissistic behavior related challenges.

Contact MasterNet today at (435) 574-4518; and allow our intake counselors to answer any questions about our enrollment fees, insurance affiliations, or proximity to Discovery Bay, CA. Make MasterNet and their therapeutic boarding school a life-changing and memorable experience for both your family and your at-risk child!

“walk in the way of righteousness, In the midst of the paths of justice, To endow those who love me with wealth, That I may fill their treasuries.” Proverbs 8:20-21